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Writer's pictureScott Culberson

ATF Has Proposed New Gun Regulations

My comment posted to the ATF in regards to new proposed regulations. The time is coming for the American people to take a stand against these continued attacks on our GOD given rights. Like I have said in the past, I post this with hope of creating discussion, on current topics. This is my opinion and feel free to ask questions


"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Seems like a straight forward comment disscussed and debated by our founding fathers, before actually becoming the 2nd Amendment. It would be wise for all government employees to do some research on our founding documents and the men who wrote them. The Well Regulated Militia is the citizens of this country defined by the founding fathers as a way to stop tyrannical government oppression, oversight, taxation without representation, outside military invasion, and overreaching laws that restrict the rights given to us "the Citizens of the USA" by GOD. Continuing down this path by turning millions of legal gun owners into felons with ridiculous, frivolous, unexplainable, made up rules for the definition of a Short Barreled Rifle is likely to be the beginning of a series of events that politicians and federal employees (who are paid for with tax dollars collected from the taxpayer) will surely regret when we reach the end of the road. The Legal, Law Abiding American Gun Owners are becoming more frustrated with this continued assault on our 2nd Amendment rights. The continued "rulemaking" put forth by the ATF to justify their existence is becoming ludicrous to objective, intelligent, legal gun owners. Charging a tax to own certain firearms is also a direct infringement to our rights. The founding fathers only wanted a 1% tax for the continued funding of our military and the funding of our Postal system. We have allowed our tax system to spiral out of control and our national debt is the anchor now placed around the neck of all our children. Please do the sensible thing here and drop all current and future plans in regards to firearm regulation. Understand that without some of our brave Citizens who owned ships armed with cannons this country might not exist today. I.E. The Battle of Machias. Ordinary citizens of the USA took their own ships out to fight the British, strangely enough armed with the same guns that the British were using. Why then does the US Government and the ATF continue to infringe on our right, could this be feel good politics, and pandering to a base for votes? Maybe it's an attempt to gain favor because the potential new director is an anti gun zealot bent on making all citizens carry flintlock firearms? If we closely examine all the proposed regulations the ATF wishes to implement, it becomes, blatantly apparent that this ends with the outlawing of all Aramalite style firearms and a magazine ban. Once again taking rights from legal law abiding gun owners. If I want to own 10, 100, or 1000 round magazines I should be allowed to do so, so long as I am a Legal, Law Abiding citizen. Point being stop focusing on the people following the rules, and start focusing on criminals doing criminal acts. Stop trying to turn good people, following already restrictive gun laws into felons. There will come a time when the people will no longer stand by and watch. Just ask the Brits!

Thanks for reading and by all means go and leave a comment on the proposed regulations.

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