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Writer's pictureScott Culberson

ATF's Proposed Brace Rule

Idaho Sen. Mike Crapo also condemned the ATF rule. "The ATF’s announced rule on pistol braces today is nothing short of a massive executive branch-imposed gun registration and confiscation scheme," Crapo tweeted. "This is an unacceptable attack on the Second Amendment and law-abiding Americans."

Pay attention, once again, the ATF has established another ridiculous rule that will be thrown out by the Supreme Court, but don't be one of the people to get caught with a brace after the 120 day grace period ends. I know by writing this I will probably be added to yet another watch list, but I am tired of the ATF punishing Law abiding citizens for the transgressions of bad actors. You may ask, why is this rule ridiculous, because it will not change the fact that an AR Pistol can still be fired from the shoulder. How about the wording inside the bill that basically says any red dot equipped pistol is also an SBR and is subject to a tax stamp! What???? Do you have any idea how may Law Enforcement officers carry red dot pistols? So is the ATF going to require all of those officers to obtain a tax stamp and be listed on the new gun register. The list of wrongs just keeps getting longer, as I write this, Shot Show is taking place in Las Vegas, and the ATF has a booth, I hope they are catching and earful from the industry all week. Maybe we need to bring back tar and feathers?

We as gun owners are going to have to stand up to this, at some point, the government wants us disarmed and at the mercy of the decisions they make for us, they forget that they are supposed to work for the people, duly elected by the people. The 2nd amendment was put in place by the founding fathers to allow the citizens to be able to form a standing army to ward off invasion. It was not about hunting!! Go back and look at history of communist countries run by dictators and see what disarming the populace led too. Mass murder on a scale that most people cannot comprehend. Right now, our government would like all the citizens to be disarmed, because they believe it will reduce crime, at least that is what they will tell you. I say the greatest crimes being committed in this country are by the government and they don't want us to be able to stop them.

How do all those politicians become millionaires on the government salary? Why do we keep sending billions to Ukraine? If defeating communism is so important other countries can kick in some money to help out. I understand that we, as a country have decided to be the worlds police, which is all the more reason our populace should be armed, if we are going to continue to attempt to dictate world political policy to everyone. It makes no sense to me that we send money and arms to other countries for border security, but fail to secure our own border.

In closing, I will leave some quotes from founding fathers of this country, you know the guys that fought a war to establish the United States. Then went to the Continental Congress and Independence hall to establish the rules we are governed by and the constitution and bill of rights. I encourage everyone to do their own research and visit and become familiar with the David and Tim Barton. Get a copy of the Founders bible, begin to understand how the founding fathers came to the decisions that led to our founding.

Thanks for reading


Always Learning.....Always Evolving

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