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Writer's pictureScott Culberson

Changes and Challenges

You know I am not the smartest or the strongest or the most fit guy around. But I am smart enough and wary enough of our current state of affairs to see the writing on the wall. Call me a conspiracy theorist or a raving lunatic if you want, but we, the USA, are sliding down a slippery slope and picking up speed! Think snowball headed for hell!

What am I going on about? Well let's get into it...our country is failing and we are standing by and waving as it goes down the road. What do I mean? Well the deficit just went to 33 trillion dollars a few days ago. Let me see if I can put that in a number 33,000,000,000,000. There I think that's it. That's a big number, so big that it will only take 136 years if we apply our total GDP to paying off the debt. We cannot continue down this road, no household can function properly under that much debt. Currently the house and senate are arguing over the budget...again, every 3 months this seems to happen. How do we fix this? Ballot box? Well that's what you would think, after all this country was founded on the principle of electing our representatives. The problem is our representatives, they no longer carry the same thought process, morals, and values to make the correct decisions for the well being of this country.

"George Washington agreed, sternly warning that we were to work at “avoiding occasions of expense . . . avoiding likewise the accumulation of debt, not . . . ungenerously throwing upon posterity the burden which we ourselves ought to bear.” But right now, we are doing just the opposite, and because of our foolish self-indulgence today, our posterity for decades to come will pay a price they will be unable to bear."

From the book U Turn by George Barna and David Barton.

There was a time in this country where the house and senate tried to never carry debt to the next election, meaning we paid it off and did not put that burden on our children and grandchildren and now great, great, great grandchildren. 136 years to pay off with a GDP of approximately 27,000,000,000,000 per year. Yes we produce and make more money than most civilized countries but we continue to be the world's police and the most generous country in the world. Biblical teaching teaches us to help our neighbor and treat them as we would like to be treated. The problem lies in our ability to maintain, that help, to the rest of the world. If we bankrupt ourselves then we are no help to anyone! And believe it or not there are still and will always be countries, nations, and alliances made in this world to hurt us, or take over our lands. Do you believe that Russia, China, North Korea, and the Saudis would like to own America? I do, and why, because we have the most amazing workforce in the world, and a vast amount of precious metals, coal, oil, and farmland. All things that make us the USA.

We need to have another Great Awakening and we need to do it now. The pulpit must start teaching Biblical principle now, and guiding this country back on the rails, to return us to the great city on the hill. Why the pulpit because this country was founded on Biblical principles and all of our government functioned on those principles. We have to return to reading the Bible, if you have one and you have not read it in a while, get it out, knock the dust off and read. Spend 30 minutes a day on it for a month and see what you learn. We spend so much time on social media and watching TV, that we have neglected our Bibles, this neglect has been happening since the 50s and has only gotten worse over time. Hippies, bikers, rebels, war protestors, and Outlaws have all laid the foundation that we are standing on now. They rejected religion and the Bible, stopped going to church, and then had children of their own, that have done the same thing. What does this lead to? Rejection of Biblical principles for daily living! Which filters into our elected leaders, we have people representing us with terrible morals and values. I encourage everyone to read U Turn and the Founders Speech to nation in Crisis.

I think you might like this book – "U-Turn: Restoring America to the Strength of its Roots" by David Barton, George Barna.

Start reading it for free:

I think you might like this book – "The Founders' Speech to a Nation in Crisis: What the Founders Would Say to America Today" by Steven Rabb.

Start reading it for free:

Both these books can get us started down the road to make America the country we once were. Failure to return to the country we once were is potentially going to lead to our downfall. Personally I don't want our children, grandchildren, or great grandchildren to be speaking a foreign language and living under a foreign leader. Rome thought they would never fail as did Greece. They survived but will never be the empire of old. I don't want the USA to fail, but without Awakening the public to the principles we should be following and having good morals and values, we may already be doomed. I joke about the Nation of Texas, but I think being a part of the USA is better.

This is an example of going down the wrong road.

Former Wyoming senator Alan Simpson said last week, “Entitlements are the engine on the train driving us to the cliff.” He’s right. Forget about fiddling with tax rates—there isn’t enough money in America to pay for all this spending.

Where does it stop and will we survive and still be the USA?

Here is another example of how we are failing as a country.

"In fact, American education today is so bad that 19 percent of high-school graduates are illiterate—that is, after twelve years of school and an average of $140,000-plus spent per student, one out of five graduates flat-out can’t read! This is not a recently emerging problem, but it has been going on in public schools across recent decades. Back in the 1960s America was number one in the world in literacy but by 1991 had fallen to sixty-fifth. As a result, there are now 32 million American adults who cannot read, and 21 percent cannot read above a fifth-grade level. Not only is this personally tragic for those who experience these educational failures, but also illiteracy contributes to many costly social problems, including crime—evidenced by the fact that 63 percent of prison inmates are illiterate."

Quoted from Founders Speech to America

JOHN ADAMS We have no constitutional government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Corruption, revenge, ambition, or envy will break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
SAMUEL ADAMS My fellow citizens, a general dissolution of principles and manners will more surely overthrow the liberties of America than the whole force of a common enemy.
JOHN ADAMS The only foundation of a free Constitution is pure virtue, and if this cannot be inspired into the people in a greater measure than they have it now, then we may change our rulers and the forms of government, but we will not obtain a lasting liberty!
SAMUEL ADAMS For once the people lose their virtue, they will be ready to surrender their liberties to the first external or internal invader! Our liberty will not long survive the total extinction of morals!

This is just the tip of the iceberg. Did you know that the first real textbook in our educational system was the Bible. That means children 5,6,7 years old and up were reading the Bible everyday while at school and when they went home. The first book printed after the War for Independence was the Bible, why, because England did not want us to have the Bible and be able to read it. They only had copies in Latin and Greek so the laity could not read the Bible and form their own opinions. The people were told what to believe by the Anglican church who was controlled by the king. The pilgrims moved to Holland to escape persecution by the Anglican church. They read and interpreted the Bible for themselves, not what the Anglican church wanted them to believe. When they came across, on the Mayflower, it was to establish a Colony separate from control of the king. They wanted to make a society based on Biblical principles outside of the Anglican church. They bought the land from the Indians for Plymouth Colony and had the longest lasting Indian Treaty ever signed in America. My point here is that from the Pilgrims at Plymouth until the Revolutionary War, the foundation was laid to make the greatest country ever seen in the world. Once the war ended and England went home, people began to come to the United States to study our government, work ethic, productivity, and all other things that made America great.

SCRIBE A french diplomat traveled to America, and upon his return, wrote: 56 ALEXIS DE TOCQUEVILLE I sought for the greatness and genius of America in her harbors and her ample rivers, and it was not there; in her fertile fields and boundless prairies, and it was not there; in her rich mines and her vast world commerce, and it was not there. Not until I went to the churches of America and heard her pulpits aflame with righteousness, did I understand the secret of her genius and power. America is great because she is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.

So there it is, this is as simple as I can get with this topic, and we have only scratched the surface. Like I said at the beginning call me a conspiracy theorist, a raving lunatic, or a Texas Neanderthal but we need to come together and get some things fixed if we want to continue being the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. I did not touch on immigration, welfare, foreign aid, military bases, and the 1000s, that's right, 1000s of other things we spend taxpayer money on every year. This country was not founded to fund the government, the government was founded by the people, for the people, to ensure our GOD GIVEN RIGHTS of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Where do we go, how do we do it, can we recover, what will it cost us? I am looking for answers to all of those questions. How about you?

Until Next Time

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