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Writer's pictureScott Culberson


Thank you for returning and reading another post on my blog. Today we are going deep. We are going on a journey that will talk, once again, on some topics that people may find offensive. Guess what?, I want to create conversation, reflection, and further study on the concepts and principles presented.

Where are we going? Use the link below to get an idea of where my mind is at, as I right this blog. I am sharing it below and all credit goes to the original poster drtheophilus. I stumbled onto this while researching the Tytler theory which you will see covered in the beginning of the attached post. There is good information here that relates to the State of The Union Today. Please use the link and read the original post.

Now that you have read the attached post let us continue. Do you see the top left corner of this diagram? Around about------ Competition Spreads----Ruthless Behavior to Get Ahead----Selfishness----Entitlements!!! Otherwise known as decay of morals and ethics. Wait before we go further let's get some definitions.




  1. concerned with the principles of right and wrong behavior and the goodness or badness of human character. "the moral dimensions of medical intervention" · [more] synonyms: virtuous · good · righteous · upright · upstanding · high-minded · right-minded · [more]

  2. holding or manifesting high principles for proper conduct. "he prides himself on being a highly moral and ethical person" synonyms: virtuous · good · righteous · upright · upstanding · high-minded · right-minded · [more]


  1. a lesson, especially one concerning what is right or prudent, that can be derived from a story, a piece of information, or an experience. "the moral of this story was that one must see the beauty in what one has" synonyms: lesson · message · meaning · significance · signification · import · point · precept · teaching

  2. (morals) a person's standards of behavior or beliefs concerning what is and is not acceptable for them to do. "the corruption of public morals" · [more] synonyms: moral code · code of ethics · moral standards · moral values · principles · [more]




  1. relating to moral principles or the branch of knowledge dealing with these. "ethical issues in nursing" · [more] synonyms: moral · social · behavioral · having to do with right and wrong

    • morally good or correct. "can a profitable business be ethical?" synonyms: morally correct · right-minded · right-thinking · principled · [more]

    • avoiding activities or organizations that do harm to people or the environment. "an expert on ethical investment" · [more]

So as it relates to our current state of affairs, when we look at, say, the shelves of a grocery store, suddenly you can relate. Remember shortages of toilet paper when Covid-19 arrived, followed by a run on food, bottled water, bread, milk, eggs, etc. Which leads to supply and demand, suddenly, all those things could be purchased but at a much higher price if you bought from an immoral or unethical individual. Fast forward a few months and Ammunition, Guns, Reloading Components: bullets, brass, powder, primers, tools all became scarce and prices skyrocketed--supply and demand!

People began thinking only of themselves and not about other people. What do I need to do to survive? How much of this can I buy? Why can't I buy all of it, l need it? This is why you need to be prepared for the future, but you have to take only what you can use, not what you believe you need. If we all buy what we believe we need-----massive shortages are going to be the norm. Stock up over time allow the market to keep pace and prices will come down and everyone will be able to build up a stockpile.

Keep in mind that a massive stock pile of supplies may seem like a great idea, but can you defend it? Is your house, bug out, bug in location a fort that can be defended or did you just supply a roving mob with essentials for the next month? This is another reason to have a tribe, a group of people that you trust, so all of you together can defend your supplies if the need should arise. By doing this it takes the burden off the individual and places it on a group. Your group can then work together and gather up what they need, a little at a time.

Society continues to degrade and it seems to be running downhill faster everyday. New anti-gun legislation is being debated on the House and Senate floors as I right this. If the Socialist / Communist laws are passed we are one step closer to that dreaded R I don't know about you, but the last thing I want to see is armed conflict on the streets of America. Taking the ability from, Law Abiding Gun Owners, to protect ourselves from dangerous people and Government Tyranny, is not going to protect the citizens of the USA!!!!!

Look at History, reference the attached post, do some critical thinking, put the dots together to see the bigger picture, follow the road to it's conclusion. In other words be prepared for the days ahead, it only takes one Pandemic, Riot, Protest, organized or not to put a stranglehold on an area. Texas just had the nastiest snowstorm and cold weather event in recent history. The weather almost shut down our electric supply system. People went into a state of panic, stores were empty, supplies were not available. As you begin to prepare for your safety and the safety of your tribe use good morals and ethics, only take what you need, not what you want. If it does get to armed conflict and survival of the fittest, I wish all good luck and hope to see some friendly faces at the conclusion. Remember that skills are great to have, but tactics win fights. That is a whole other blog that we will save for later.

I ranted on numerous subjects in this one, research some of this, come to your own conclusions, prepare your tribe, read your Bible, practice your skills, and remember to be ALWAYS LEARNING----ALWAYS EVOLVING.

Until Next Time,


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