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Writer's pictureScott Culberson

Looking At Our Current State of Affairs


I am going to try and post a weekly blog and share some thoughts with you guys and gals. You are going to get some of my thoughts and it may not be pleasant for everyone. Why? Well number

1. this is going to be a record of events that we can return to and reference down the road.

2. we may be at the tipping point of loosing some or all of our rights concerning firearms

3. the government continues to put forth legislation removing our rights, granted by GOD, not the government. Inalienable look it up

This list can continue in regards to Taxes, Religion (Church and State), Helping those in need, Protecting our Border etc. But for this edition we are going to look at being your own first responder (your 911), why is this important? Have you seen the continued push to DeFund the Police? What does that mean?

The importance of being your own first responder: You will be first on the scene if you are attacked, be it robbed, burglarized, stabbed, shot, run over with a vehicle, set on fire, etc. Do you have a plan to protect yourself and your family? Do you have the necessary skills to provide life saving first aid? Are you carrying some type of medical equipment, first aid kit, tourniquet, chest seal(s), wound packing material? These are all questions you should be able to answer, like I said some of this may be uncomfortable. The defund the police movement means exactly that, taking money that would be used for armed officers training and equipment and using it for something else. Which is going to lead to longer response times. Hear a bump in the night, no verifiable threat, longer response time. Might be a good time to initiate your safety plan. Don't have a plan, winging it, hoping for the best? I would encourage you to start learning now and be the King or Queen of Your Castle, come up with a plan, practice said plan and be prepared, should the need arise to use it. I can get you started and help you on your journey, I have said and will continue to say go train with other instructors; add skills to your toolbox beyond what I can give you.

The 2A community has to come together and share ideas and strategies if we want to survive the coming storm. The attacks on our rights continue and will only escalate in the future. We have long since turned away from a rural society where gun use and safety was a part of growing up. As our population centers become more centralized i.e. big cities the lessons on gun use and safety are washed away. In essence citizens have no concept of how firearms function and don't care to learn anything about them. Being the King of your Castle means protecting yourself and your family, learning how to use a firearm does not mean you have to own one, but if bad guys show up with guns I too would like to have a gun to defend my castle.

This is a quote from Thomas Jefferson when speaking to his nephew "A strong body makes the mind strong. As to the species of exercise, I advise the gun. While this gives a moderate exercise to the body, it gives Boldness, Enterprise, and INDEPENDENCE to the mind. Games played with the ball and others of that nature are too violent for the body and stamp no character on the mind. Let your gun therefore be the constant companion of your walks."

Things to think about until next time


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