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Writer's pictureScott Culberson

******SEVEN DAYS******

This is the last days of the oppression of our rights as United States Citizens, and Texans. On September 1, 2021 Constitutional Carry will be allowed. Are you ready, have you been training, do you own the proper equipment to carry???? As Texans we pushed, fought, and voted to allow this to happen. It is now our responsibility to do this correctly. I hope and pray that anyone considering carrying under Constitutional Carry has the proper knowledge, skills and attitude to do it safely.

  1. No more road rage, "like water off a ducks ass" (TMacs Training), you have to let the little things go. If you decide to argue with someone over an inept ability to drive stop and re-evaluate your attitude. Not to long ago, a young man in Ft Worth made the decision to have an altercation, on I-35, in which he stopped traffic on an interstate highway and advanced toward another vehicle waving a handgun and threating another driver. Consequence of his actions........he was shot by the suv driver. Do not let this be you, keep your cool and let it go "like water off a ducks ass". It is not worth the effort, you are not going to correct the worlds problems by waving your gun around and threatening people.

  2. Be aware of your comments to other people, if you make comments that can be taken as threats, such as "I Will Kill You" stop immediately and re-evaluate your attitude. Carrying a handgun everyday and doing it correctly requires YOU to have the correct mindset. I think of it this way, it is my last resort tool, to use to save my life or the life of one of my loved ones, friends, co-workers, or family. Do you know that the court system can and will hold you responsible for every round fired in a gunfight, every

round, not just your rounds. That is big, the court system will question every one your actions. Could the situation have been avoided, did you have a choice to remove yourself from the altercation, or did you provoke the other person? This list goes on and on, you better have your facts straight and be able to articulate why you did what you did. Understand a jury is going to decide if your actions were reasonable and justified, if the jury believes that your actions exceeded the situation you can be convicted of manslaughter, murder, or negligent homicide. The point here is that just because you can carry does not mean you should, unless you have a firm grip on the consequences of the use of your firearm.

3. This brings me to SKILL, if you have to use your firearm then you need to be accurate with your firearm. Rounds down range hitting innocent people can also land you in jail, even if the situation is justified and your use of deadly force was reasonable. Your inability to land effective rounds on target, i.e. shooting innocent bystanders is likely to land you a stiff jail sentence and a hefty lawsuit. You have to have the knowledge to be able to read a situation, the skill to make accurate hits on target, and the attitude to try and avoid conflict at all cost. This mindset applies to everyone that carries a firearm for protection, and I mean everyone, Police Officers, Security Personnel, Body Guards, and you the civilian. So ask yourself if you are ready mentally, physically, and emotionally.

I hope that everyone that reads this post, has a moment of self reflection and looks deep inside of themselves. You are consciously making a decision to carry a tool that can take another person's life. This is knowledge that you must accept to be able to carry with the proper attitude. Right, wrong, or indifferent about another person's views, attitude, or actions, you have to remember that you are responsible for your reactions. Political disagreements, arguments about lifestyle choices, drug use, vaccinations, and a thousand more "reasons" does not give you the right to infringe on someone else's rights. This is America and we all have the same rights when we are born. If somewhere along the way we infringe on another person's rights, then we may lose some of our rights. We all have the right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Who am I to say what makes another person happy as long as it does not infringe on my rights or the rights of another individual. Do you see how this works, constitutional carry gives us the ability to defend our rights, but not infringe on someone else's rights. If you live by the Golden Rule, "Do Unto Others as you would have them Do Unto You", you are now beginning the process of being a responsible carrier. My point here is that you have to live beyond the moment and think about consequences. A jury will look at your reactions "in the moment" and then make a decision. You need to make sure that your knowledge, skills, and attitude our adequate to the moment.

I am not trying to discourage you from carrying, but I do want to emphasize the need for the right attitude which comes from your knowledge and skills. So continue to learn, evolve if you need to. There is a reason my tagline on the website and my business cards is ALWAYS LEARNING......ALWAYS EVOLVING. Every 2 years the state of Texas has a legislative session, that means handgun law changes every 2 years. I have no choice but to stay on top of the changes. You should be doing the same if you are carrying a handgun some of the time or everyday.

In closing, let me be clear you as a citizen of the Great State of Texas now have the right to Constitutionally Carry. Do not abuse this right. There was a long, hard battle fought to regain it and most Texans would like to keep it. You are not only representing yourself, but all carriers of handguns. After the 1st of September we will all be under a microscope, do this responsibly and remember "Do Unto Others as you would have them Do Unto You", if you keep this mindset we should see a calm and easy transition to a "Armed Society is a Polite Society".

As always I am here to help you and would be happy to do so. I am still offering private lessons, Constitutional Carry Class, and LTC Classes. If you would like to attend a class you can book online or contact me direct to set up a time.

Scott Culberson

16400 S Hwy 281

Santo TX 76472




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